02 Dec 2021 Vitro
Vitro brings together leaders at its Third Annual Operational Excellence Convention

The third annual Vitro Convention of Excellence 2022 was held seeking to transform operations into centers of excellence through dialogue on best practices, standards, tools, initiatives and objectives for 2022.

On Thursday, December 2, Adrián Sada Cueva, the steering commitee and plant leaders met at the third Convention of Excellence that was held at the Vitro Technology Center, located on the FAMA premises.

The event arose from the implementation of the Vitro Excellence Model, which allows the development of the key capacities and competencies of the organization to generate advantages and ensure sustainability. The Model is aligned with the mission, vision, values and behaviors of the Vitro culture.

This is the third event that reinforces our value of Operational Excellence, relevant to improve the day-to-day performance of the business units on the floor, promoting the ideal behaviors that allow the sustainability of the company.

Leaders of each business unit presented the progress made to date, their best practices, results and objectives for 2022 in order to open dialogue and identify high-impact opportunities, thus establishing a strong alignment and collaboration between corporate, business units and plants.

"We must connect the talent at Vitro and make sure we standardize the best practices, knowing and understanding the capabilities of those who implement them," mentioned Adrián Sada Cueva, who shared his vision of where the company was and where it should go, highlighting the importance of the Vitro Excellence Model as a key to improving performance.

The event ended with a gala and award ceremony in which recognition was given.

The awards were:

  • Best practices: Plants that distinguished themselves during external evaluations, with consistent results and with the potential to become a standard practice for all Vitro plants.
  • Silver Recognition: Delivered to the units that have made progress in the implementation process and are standardizing the system in key processes.
  • Best Implementation: Awarded to those plants that this year managed to reach the maximum level of maturity per business unit, significant progress year after year and for being the best link that the systems already show in the results.

This third edition of the event was not only important for the exchange of ideas or recognition, but it was the first Vitro event in this new reality that we are living. At Vitro we appreciate the resilience, hard work and the constant search for continuous improvement of all our collaborators.


At Vitro, we continue to see further!